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Changes Coming to Mega Millions
Changes Coming to Mega Millions

Change can be a polarizing subject for people on a philosophical level. There are those who believe that change can lead to positive outcomes while others think that change is hard to stomach. When it comes to updates to games, we are in the change is good camp.Mega Millions will be making enhancements October 31 and you will see that the changes include larger and faster-growing jackpots, better odds of becoming a millionaire and a new way to play the game. Let’s dive into this a little deeper.

Changes Coming to Mega Millions
Changes Coming to Mega Millions

Change can be a polarizing subject for people on a philosophical level. There are those who believe that change can lead to positive outcomes while others think that change is hard to stomach. When it comes to updates to games, we are in the change is good camp.Mega Millions will be making enhancements October 31 and you will see that the changes include larger and faster-growing jackpots, better odds of becoming a millionaire and a new way to play the game. Let’s dive into this a little deeper.