Grand Island Woman Claims $1 Million Powerball Prize
Our first $1 million Powerball winner in many moons came to claim her prize Monday, May 8 when Melinda Rother of Grand Island walked through our door.
Melinda has been purchasing Powerball tickets from Casey’s General Store at 1814 North Eddy St., in Grand Island for several years. Her most-recent winning ticket contained one play that matched all five of the winning white ball numbers (11, 21, 31, 41, 59) from the May 6 drawing for $1 million.
Throughout the weekend Melinda lived in ignorant bliss while her $1 million ticket clung to her refrigerator. Late Sunday night, she and her husband checked the winning numbers at nelottery.com. What they saw was unbelievable.
According to Melinda, she did multiple double takes, looking back and forth between the ticket and her screen to make sure she wasn’t being deceived. Of her win, Melinda says she is grateful. “I feel blessed every day when I get up,” she said. “This was the extra icing on the cupcake.”
Just before Melinda checked her winning ticket, her grill stopped working. After discovering that she had won, Melinda decided that she might as well find a new grill now that she has extra spending money. She also plans to share the money with her niece and nephew as well as her son and her sister who is pursuing a degree as a veterinary technician. Aside from this spreading of the wealth, Melinda doesn’t suspect she will make any drastic life changes. She will continue to teach Sunday school and volunteer at the Salvation Army. “We’re not really going to change anything,” she said. “We’re very blessed.”
Good ideals!
Comment by nancy drew on July 18, 2017 at 7:51 pm