Nebraska Lottery Campfire Horror Stories Presents: Up In Flames
Deep in the recesses of Lottery HQ there lies a trove of secrets and unimaginable horrors. Tales of woe so terrifying they would make even the most somber person shake in their boots. If you dare to dig deeper into this blog post, remember that there are some things you can’t un-see. To protect the identity of the victims, all of the names, dates and events have been changed. Reader discretion advised.
Up in Flames
Since the dawn of man, fire has long been a source of comfort and peace of mind. It has also been a force of destruction. Homes, businesses and even lottery tickets have been lost to the soulless crackle of the flames.
On December 20, 2016, Steve Stevenson was preparing a Christmas gift for his wife, Stevie. The gift included a thoughtfully written card, which Steve placed into an envelope along with a Nebraska Lottery Scratch ticket. Steve licked the envelope and sealed it. Moments later, he realized he never signed the card. Steve remembered a trick he had learned from a coworker that if you place a sealed envelope in the microwave next to a bowl of water and run the microwave briefly, the moisture from the evaporating water would make it easier to open the envelope and then re-seal later without anyone being the wiser.
As Steve began to heat the envelope, he noticed smoke beginning to billow up from inside. Soon, the envelope was engulfed in flame. Desperate, Steve tried to pull the envelope and Scratch ticket from the microwave, but it was too late, the damage was done. The ticket was charred beyond recognition. Steve contacted our office to see if we could verify the ticket as a winner or not, but the damage was too severe for any conclusive evidence to remain.
Steve’s plans to surprise his wife was shattered in that moment. Both the card and the Scratch ticket were lost and Stevie will never know how much her husband truly cares for her. The lesson from this tale is clear – Scratch tickets are not microwave safe.
But are they dishwasher safe?
Comment by Swarley S. on January 23, 2018 at 8:13 am -
Comment by Tate Schneider on January 23, 2018 at 9:49 am