How Contests Work
We just wrapped up the first round of the Summer Jackpot Second-Chance Promotion and drew for three semifinalist who will have the opportunity to participate in a Grand Prize contest at the Nebraska State Fair on August 26. Due to the high interest in the contest, we have received a lot of correspondence asking us who the winners might be and when that will be announced. To put it simply, we have a lot of things that need to happen before we can announce the winners. This article will attempt to answer the questions many of our players have about these contests.
Let’s start at the beginning. Players can enter through the MVP Club on the Nebraska Lottery website. Winners are then drawn electronically, and after the drawing, we contact the winners through means of ye ole telephone. If that proves fruitless, we have to try other methods. Sometimes it takes a while to contact winners, but once a winner is contacted, we verify that their mailing address is correct so we can mail a form to fill out and officially claim the prize. We then ask that the winner mail the documents back to us along with the ticket so we can inspect the ticket and verify that the serial number and box code matches the information submitted online. (This part is very important to note. Be sure you hold onto your tickets when entering our contests, even after we have drawn.) Admittedly, this process takes some time with all the back and forth that goes on in the mail, but it is necessary for security. After we have verified the winning tickets, we post the names of the winners to our website.
Unfortunately, we can’t guarantee a specific timeframe for when the winners will be named as there are a lot of moving parts involved in the verification process. Fortunately, we are working on various solutions to expedite the process and those changes will be executed in future contests.
If you have any further questions or comments about our contests, sound of in the comments section.
If you are unable to reach winners by phone do you email them!
Comment by Susan Gasseling on August 9, 2017 at 9:37 pm -
Yes, we reach out via email if the provided phone number is not valid or calls go unanswered. At this moment, we’ve reached out to all contest winners by phone and are in the verification process.
Comment by Danielle Beebe on August 10, 2017 at 8:14 am -
Entered a voucher # for the Pick 5 Bowl Bonanza and screen said voucher already entered. Someone else entered my #. If you contact the person with my # and they don’t have verification, do you post the winning voucher # to see if someone else has it?
Comment by Susanne Zavodny on September 22, 2017 at 5:19 am -
Thanks for your comment, Susanne. If the winner is unable to produce the voucher for any reason, we will redraw. If you attempted to enter a voucher number and the system said it had already been entered, likely someone mistakenly entered your number. Please call 402-471-6100 and we can resolve this issue for you. Thanks!
Comment by Danielle Beebe on September 22, 2017 at 8:47 am -
If I didn’t receive a call the day of the drawing, does that mean I didn’t win?
Comment by Jeremy on January 18, 2018 at 4:23 am -
Hi Jeremy, just because you didn’t receive a call doesn’t mean there isn’t still hope. There have been instances where the winning ticket or voucher was not able to be verified and we needed to re-draw. We recommend holding on to your tickets or vouchers until the winners have been verified and announced.
Comment by Tate Schneider on January 18, 2018 at 9:09 am